(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) NBA休赛期交易、签约不断,有球员高薪签约弱旅,有球员底薪加盟强队成为争冠拼图。而在美国Reddit论坛,美网友针对近期的NBA签约和交易,提出了灵魂拷问: 如果你是NBA球员,职业生涯结束时,你希望自己生涯总薪资1亿美金但没有冠军戒指,还是生涯总薪资只有3000万美金但有2枚冠军戒指? 如下是部分美网友的评论,看完美网友的评论后,欢迎吧友们在评论区发表自己的看法。 [–]Passerbycasual 2484 points 14 hours ago If your career earnings are 100m these days, you probably aren’t a number 1 option or HOF bound player. In that case, the legacy impact of winning a ring matters a lot less imo. 100m is more than 3x the money, sign me up. 球迷:在当今联盟,如果职业生涯“只”挣1亿美金,你八成都不是球队的头牌或者名人堂级别的球员。那么在这种背景下,对于生涯薪资3000万级别的球员来说,以他们的角色拿到总冠军,给他们的生涯成就加成也不会特别大。所以,我选择无冠挣1亿,多拿超过3倍的钱呢!同意的顶我上去! [–]Maverickscautious-opulence 969 points 11 hours ago And if they are 30m in earnings, no one will even remember they won 2 rings 独行侠球迷:而且对于生涯薪资3000万级别的球员来说,哪怕他们拿了2个冠军,也不会有人记得他们的… (吧友们:猜猜他是谁,他在哪一年跟随哪支球队夺得总冠军) [–]Necessary_Bass_7127 71 points 11 hours ago This right here. Rings only matter if you have the potential to go down as an all time great. As a role player, winning rings comes down to how good your best players are. A more accurate scenario would be….500m lifetime earnings with 0 rings or 400m lifetime earning with 2 rings. Think of the pay cut bron took to join the heat. 球迷:说得没错!只有当你有潜力进入史上最佳范畴的时候,总冠军才会成为重要的成就加成。而如果你只是一名角色球员,总冠军只是彰显你们球队老大有多厉害而已,压根没你什么事儿。所以我觉得选项应该调整为这样会更好一点:生涯薪资5亿但是无冠 VS 生涯薪资4亿拿2冠。可以参考詹姆斯当年降薪加盟热火。 注:2010年,詹姆斯以6年1.1亿美元的非顶薪合同,加盟热火。 [–]HikmetLeGuin 50 points 8 hours ago I'm pretty sure most players dream of winning a championship their whole lives and are highly competitive people who are driven to win because it matters deeply to themselves and their teammates, not just because of their legacy with the fans and media. 球迷:我很肯定,大部分球员都梦想成为总冠军!他们都是极具竞争性的人,好胜心极强!赢球、夺冠对他们个人以及队友来说,是刻进骨子里的信念,不是简单地为了自己在球迷和媒体那边的声名地位而已! [–]thcsquad 9 points 6 hours ago I was thinking this. These players are in the NBA because they are competitive as hell. Then again, if we are quizzing reddit poasters instead of actual NBA players it makes sense for them to beeline right for the money. 球迷:我也是这么想的!这些球员之所以能闯进NBA,就是因为他们那超凡的好胜心和竞争欲!而我们再来看看,现在这个问题问的都是谁?问的不是NBA球员,而是咱们贴吧的吧友,对吧?作为普通人,吧友们会直截了当地选择无冠挣1亿,这是完全可以理解的! [–]PistonsMintyFreshBreathYo 8 points 6 hours ago I’d argue most NBA players are in the NBA because they learned at an early age being tall, and athletic can lead them to millions of dollars if they work at it. It’s like any other job 活塞球迷:我表示质疑!很多NBA球员在很小的时候就鹤立鸡群,并且早就明白一个道理:只要他们勤加练习,超凡的运动能力能让他们在未来挣上千百万的美金!所以,NBA球员打球,和其他任何一份普通工作一样,就是挣钱~ [–]KnicksObiOneKenobae 10.0k points 15 hours ago For an extra 70M I would windmill dunk on our own basket to lose the finals. 尼克斯球迷:不是我吹!如果不拿冠军能让我多挣7000万美金?卧底总决赛算什么,老子直接在总决赛上朝自家篮筐玩大风车灌篮!! [–]SteveGoldenG 1673 points 14 hours ago You are absolutely a legend bro 球迷:大哥你可真是个奇人易逝啊!!! [–]ProfessorPetrus 3 points 9 hours ago Y'all going to spend it all on security after windmill dunking on your own team in the finals lol. 球迷:可不逝嘛!敢在总决赛上往自家篮筐玩大风车扣篮,这大哥挣的钱得全用来雇保镖保命才行了!!哈哈哈!! [–]Suns_the_chosen_juan_ 84 points 11 hours ago Lol seriously is this even a question? Gimme that MF money 太阳球迷:哈哈哈!!搞毛呢,这也算是个问题吗?他妈的给我钞票啊!! [–]Grizzliesdrokihazan 34 points 10 hours ago Anyone who chooses 30M and 2 rings is straight up braindamaged. It's not even remotely a contest. 灰熊球迷:那些选3000万+2冠的人,都是纯纯的脑残!这两个选项压根就没有可比性!! [–]Trail BlazersDauntless_Idiot 7 points 6 hours ago $30M is more money than most people can possible ever need in their lifetime unless they make some extremely poor decisions or some extremely bad luck/health outcomes. I don't think an extra $70m adds that much value, but since I don't care that much about rings it actually does add more value for myself than two rings. 开拓者球迷:除非你胡搞乱搞或者倒大霉、生大病,不然光是3000万美金大部分人就已经一辈子都花不完了!!所以再多给你7000万美金,其实对实际的生活也不会增加太多额外的价值…不过我对总冠军没有太多的执念,所以对我来说,多个7000万美金,比2个冠军更有价值一点。 [–]Bucksquedfoot 49 points 9 hours ago If I'm 19 and ambitious, I'm taking the 30 mil and 2 rings. Now that I'm 29 and have gone through some serious problems, I'm only looking out for myself and family, I'm taking 100 mil no doubt. 雄鹿球迷:如果我还是19岁,雄心壮志满身鸡汤,那我会选择3000万美金+2冠。但是现在我29岁,早已遭遇过一些惨痛的经历,如今做什么事都只为自己和家人着想了,所以我会选择1亿美金+0冠,想都不想一下~~ [–]NuggetsAny_Adhesiveness_898 3 points 3 hours ago You and your family wouldn't be set on $30M? 掘金球迷:楼上的,3000万美金还不够你一家子衣食无忧的啊? [–]jtruth9 66 points 13 hours ago So Dillon Brooks or Kevon Looney? 球迷:简单来讲就是,你选择成为狄龙-布鲁克斯,还是凯文-卢尼,对吧? [–]Trail Blazerslikpoper 84 points 14 hours ago 100 mln of course.. rings are useless unless you are one of the main guys. Like who the fuck gives a shit about Adam Morrison having a ring 开拓者球迷:当然是选择1亿美金啦~~除非你是夺冠队伍的关键人物,不然戒指对你来说压根没啥大用~~就好像…谁TM在乎亚当-莫里森有冠军戒指啊~~~ (亚当-莫里森,2009年和2010年随湖人队两夺总冠军) |

